Imagine. Staying in touch with up-to-date information about your loved one around the clock: daily schedules, participation in activities, important news and more. You can even send a request to staff that Uncle Joe needs an extra blanket or that he wants to participate in the new music group. No more waiting on hold, leaving messages and getting calls only when something happens.
Access information anytime it is convenient or select a weekly or monthly reporting option. Add family members to CareShare and everyone will receive the same updates, reducing the many family phone calls usually needed to relay news.
With CareShare Manager and a tablet or mobile device, you’ll have:

“We now have the ability to share with family members the frequency of activity engagement, the frequency of personal visits made by our volunteers and staff and family members, and easily record our observations of behaviors and interpersonal relationships. We also have the ability to create and track individualized activities for each of our residents that can be geared more specifically to that resident preferences which before using CareShare system was impossible.”
GS, Activities Director
Long-Term Care Facility
Ask your care community if it uses CareShare Manager or contact us using the Quick Inquiry form.