Simplifies and Streamlines Communications and Engagement.

CareShare also increases satisfaction and delivers positive outcomes for the most important people in your community.


Easily manages activities, interactions and requests, streamlines workflow and builds task efficiency.


Increases communications, provides 24-hour access to detailed information and updates, and builds overall satisfaction.


Elevates engagement in meaningful activities and positively impacts social, mental and physical health through frequent communications and interactions.

Outside Professionals

Automates care coordination, management and reporting of services from outside professionals, including physicians, clergy and therapists.

Resident Engagement Brings Returns

An article published in McKnight’s Senior Living discusses the importance of resident engagement in senior living communities.  Although most providers recognize the importance of offering customized and personalized experiences, the author points out that many struggle in delivering on that commitment due to constraints in budget and support.  In contrast, a study cited found that quality engagement, when strengthened by technology, not only improves resident well-being and health, it also results in financial savings, both to facility operations and the individual by reducing healthcare-related costs.

CareShare Manager supports eldercare communities in capturing those benefits through easy-to-use technology that builds resident engagement while streamlining management, tracking and reporting functions.

Create a higher touch, more engaged community through technology with CareShare Manager. Contact us using the Quick Inquiry form to find out how CareShare can support your team or to schedule a 60-day CareShare trial.

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